Psychology Final Exam Review
- Erikson’s stages—general idea of the stages, and know
each one (throughout the book)
- Piaget’s stages—know important terms, overall concept
of cognitive development, and characteristics of each stage
(throughout the book) – but not sensorimotor substages
- Kohlberg’s stages of moral development
- cohort effects
- normative history-graded, normative age-graded,
nonnormative influences
- chromosomes & genes; genotype vs. phenotype; polygenic
- stages of prenatal development
- most common types of chromosomal abnormalities
- fetal alcohol syndrome & Down’s syndrome, risks of
older mothers
- Apgar scale components
- def. low birthweight & very low birthweight, small for
gestational age
- dangers associated with low birthweight and premature
- synaptic pruning
- benefits of breast feeding
- separation anxiety & stranger anxiety
- attachment theory – Ainsworth study & major findings
- goodness-of-fit concept regarding temperament
- different parenting styles & their effects
- effects of early or late maturation on boys and girls
in adolescence
- brain development in adolescence
- personal fable and imaginary audience
- effects of low SES on school performance, reasons for
- Marcia’s work on identity
- Reasons for changes in teenage birth rate
- Postformal thought
- Sternberg’s work on love
- Reasons young adults choose to marry
- menopause, hypertension & strokes
- effects of stress
- fluid vs. crystallized intelligence
- characteristics of sandwich generation
- stats on domestic violence in marriage
- depression in old age
- Alzheimer’s prevalence rates, symptoms
- elder abuse risk factors
- different definitions of death
- Kubler-Ross’ stages
- def. various types of euthanasia