Psychology Unit Test #2 Review
Chapter 6:
- separation anxiety and stranger anxiety
- social referencing
- beginnings of self-awareness
- Ainsworth strange situation, types of attachment
- reciprocal socialization
- Erikson’s stage & characteristics
- meaning of “temperament,” major traits involved
according to Thomas & Chess
- “goodness of fit” concept
Chapter 7:
- threats to health in preschool years
- size of brain in preschool years
- lateralization of brain, increase in sophisticated
cognitive processing
- Piaget’s preoperational stage – characteristics, major
- “symbolic function”
- Vygotsky’s major ideas
Chapter 8:
- Erikson’s stage & characteristics
- Self-concept & self-esteem
- gender roles, constancy, identity, & schema
- types of play
- parenting styles – characteristics, results in
Chapter 9:
- causes of inadequate fitness
- Am. Acad. Ped. Recommendations re sports
- Gross & fine motor skills – examples
- % kids with psychological disorder, common ones
- Characteristics of learning disabilities
- Characteristics of ADHD
- Characteristics of concrete operational thought, know
all terms
- Cultural assimilation vs. pluralistic society model
Chapter 10:
- Erikson’s stage & characteristics
- Self-concept, social comparison
- Kohlberg’s stages
- Gilligan’s stages
- High and low status children
- Number of kids staying home because of bullying