History &
Systems of Psychology
Assignment #5
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
- For each of the three major philosophical epochs
identified in “Premodernism, Modernism, & Postmodernism: An Overview,”
describe in your own words:
- Time frame
- Major epistemology (“way of knowing”)
- Sources of authority
- Summarize the role of the modern worldview in the free
will-determinism debate, as described in Olsen’s article, “Free Will and
Therapeutic Change.”**
- Summarize Olsen’s main point in the subsection of his
article titled “Narrative Deconstruction and Free Will.”
- Based on what you have read in these articles and
learned in class, give your thoughts about the contributions of modernism
and postmodernism to psychology.
**You have the first few pages attached. If you would like
the entire article, it is available in the library E-reserve under my name.