Psychology Presentation Rubric
Exemplary |
Competent |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
Not attempted |
Grade |
A: 90 – 100% |
B: 80 – 89% |
C: 70 – 79% |
D: 60 – 69% |
F: 00 – 59% |
Topic Clarity and Support
Clear & accurate presentation of the psychological theory and its use. Discussion is comprehensive and goes beyond the obvious or predictable, with relevant detailed source support. |
Clear & accurate presentation of most aspects of the theory and its use. Discussion is of good quality, with minimal source support that is not relevant or missing. |
The main ideas are clear. Discussion is basic, with relevant source support for the majority of the presentation. |
The main ideas are somewhat clear. Discussion is somewhat superficial, with minimal source support that is often not relevant. |
The main ideas are not clear. Discussion is superficial. Little to no source support is provided. |
Integration of Psychology and Faith |
Clear and coherent synthesis of the major principles of the theory and Christianity, with sound biblical and theological support, demonstrated in both the presentation and the reflection paper. |
Clear synthesis of most major principles of the theory and Christianity, with good biblical and theological support. |
Clear statement of most major principles of the theory and its relationship to Christianity, fairly well supported, with little synthesis. |
Unclear statement of major principles and/or little support or synthesis. |
Little or no statement of major principles, with virtually no support or synthesis. |
Use of Learning Tools |
Use of helpful, interesting, and creative demonstrative exercise, together with additional learning tools that enhance the quality and interest of the presentation. |
Use of helpful, interesting, and creative demonstrative exercise, with no additional learning tools. |
Demonstrative exercise is used and relates to the topic but adds little information and is of only moderate interest. |
Demonstrative exercise is used but is largely irrelevant or does not engage the interest of the audience. |
Demonstrative exercise is not used. |
Use of Technology |
Demonstrates intentional and creative use of technology in the presentation. |
Demonstrates intentional use of technology and effectively uses it in the presentation. |
Demonstrates a good basic competence with technology, but is awkward in the presentation. |
Demonstrates minimal evidence of competence with technology; is clumsy in the presentation. |
Demonstrates little to no ability with the use of technology in the presentation. |
Professional Style |
Presentation is well organized and creative, ideas are clearly articulated, and interest level of audience is maintained. |
Presentation is well organized, ideas are clearly articulated, and audience is engaged most of the time. |
Presentation is fairly well organized, ideas are articulated somewhat clearly, and audience is minimally engaged. |
Presentation is not well organized and/or ideas are not articulated clearly, audience is poorly engaged. |
Presentation is largely disorganized or inarticulate and audience is not engaged. |
Professional Source Citation |
At least 10 references, properly cited in APA style, that are current and from respected professional sources, with non-professional sources merely supportive; old sources are classic. |
At least 10 references, properly cited in APA style, with at least 8 of them current and from respected professional sources; minimal use of relevant non-professional sources and/or outdated material. |
At least 10 references, with at least 7 of them current and from respected professional sources. Non-professional and/or outdated sources are used more than minimally. APA citation style largely followed. |
At least 8 references, with at least 6 of them current and from respected professional sources. Non-professional and/or outdated sources are frequently used. |
Less than 8 references or less than 6 current references from respected professional sources. Non-professional or not fully relevant sources are used extensively. |
Contribution to Group |
Group ratings of 90 – 100% |
Group ratings of 80 – 89% |
Group ratings of 70 – 79% |
Group ratings of 60 – 69% |
Group ratings of less than 60% |