Final Exam
- definition of social psychology
- power of the situation
- def. of naturalistic fallacy, hindsight bias
- correlational research, various explanations for
- def. of self-schema, self-esteem, self-concept,
self-reference effect, self-efficacy
- learned helplessness
- self-serving bias, situational vs. dispositional
- fundamental attribution error
- heuristics, incl. availability & representativeness
- self-fulfilling prophecy
- attitudes – def., characteristics, relationship of
attitudes & behavior
- Zimbardo’s study
- foot-in-the-door phenomenon
- cognitive dissonance theory
- Festinger & Carlsmith study re boring game
- norms, values, attitudes
- personal space, relationship physical intimacy &
- gender roles, traits associated with marital
- conformity, obedience, compliance, acceptance
- group cohesiveness, norm formation, groupthink, etc.
- Sherif, Asch, & Milgram studies
- peripheral and central routes to persuasion
- social loafing, deindividuation, social facilitation
effect, mere presence
- stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, racism, sexism
- just-world phenomenon
- def. & types of aggression
- relative deprivation theory, frustration aggression
- proximity effect; mere exposure effect
- Sternberg’s theory; definition of companionate love
- altruism vs. egoism, social exchange theory, social
responsibility norm
- Princeton seminary study
- bystander effect
- social dilemmas, tragedy of the commons, zero-sum
- mirror-image perceptions