Unit Test #1
- definition of social psychology, brief history of the
- Myers’ view of intuition
- The power of the situation
- difference between social psychology, sociology,
personality psychology
- how values enter into social psychology
- Princeton-Dartmouth game
- meaning of “culture”
- the naturalistic fallacy
- what are theories and hypotheses
- meaning of correlations in research
- hindsight bias
- spotlight and transparency effects
- self-schema, self-concept, self-esteem, possible
selves, self-efficacy
- self-reference effect
- effects of success and failure
- individualism and collectivism, differences & effects
- predictions of romantic relationships (MacDonald &
- predictions of one’s own future behavior and emotions
- learned helplessness
- self-serving bias
- situational & dispositional attributions, fundamental
attribution error
- Lassiter confession study
- belief perseverance
- memory issues and misinformation effect
- controlled vs. automatic processing
- research on teacher expectations of students
- attitude – definition, relationship to behavior
- explanations for times when attitudes do & don’t
predict behavior
- Zimbardo’s study
- foot-in-the-door and low-ball techniques
- self-presentation theory
- cognitive dissonance theory
- Festinger & Carlsmith study